Stellenausschreibung: Auslandspraktikum in Irland
„Higher Education Authority Organisation Profile –
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is the statutory planning and policy development body for higher education and research in Ireland. The HEA has wide advisory powers throughout the whole of the third-level education sector. In addition, it is the funding authority for the universities, institutes of technology and a number of designated higher education institutions.
The Mission Statement of the HEA is ‚To foster the development of a higher education sector which is accessible to all potential students and which is recognised internationally for the high quality of teaching, learning and research and which has the capacity to address the changing needs and challenges in our society‘.
The Principal Functions of the HEA are
- To further the development of higher education.
- To maintain a continuous review of the demand and need for higher education.
- To assist in the coordination of state investment in higher education and to prepare proposals for such investment.
- To allocate among universities, institutes of technology and the designated institutions the grants voted by the Oireachtas.
- To promote the attainment of equality of opportunity in higher education and democratisation of higher education.
Meetings of the Higher Education Authority members are normally held every month.“